25 November 2012

Review My Makeup Stuff

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Tadi saje gugel-gugel jap, nak cari best compact powder sebab mine punya dah nak habis. Then, terasa nak post post jugak pasal makeup-makeup stuff ni (walhal.. bukan makeup sangat pun... ahahahha). 

From left: Oslee Rosehip Toner (free gift from onlybeauty), top: Hada Labo Toner, down: Organic Aid Moisturizer, most right: Hada Labo Moisturizer Lotion

1.  All products range above suited me well. Wanie penah bagitau yang wanie ada combination skin dan sometimes sangat oily. Toner Oslee tu wanie dapat free gift je, korang selalu-selalu la check link yang wanie bagi tu. Hada Labo tu kalau tak silap my sister punya, dia tertinggal kat kampung and lupa pulak wanie nak bagi balik.. hahahah.. 

Impulse Perfume

2.  Tak dinafikan, wanie dah guna perfume Impulse since 2003 sampailah sekarang (selagi tak keja, jangan nak verangan laaa Estee Lauder ke, Hugo ke... tak mampu nokkkk). Ada 2 botol sebab senang, satu kat rumah and satu lagi kat bilik. Bukan apa, takut terlupa. Lagipun, tak mahal sangat, less than RM 10 (masih tak mampu ingat exactly price walaupun dah jadi pengguna setia... tsk! -.-")

Ginvera Nourishing Hair Aqua (SPA Total Benefit)

3.  This is a must after wanie drying my hair guna hair dryer. Leceh la nak pakai yang cream atau oil. Yang ni senang, sprayyyyyy je (pemalas siak! Hahaha) Effect after use: rambut tak frizzy and dry. Paling best, lepas buka tudung tu rambut smells sangat lembut - tapi Teddy saya tak suka this smell... apelah dia tu, tsk! -.-"

Revlon Photoready Foundation

4.  Terpengaruh sebab Halle Berry pakai nampak flawless, hahaha.. retisss kau! Tak mekap pun skin tu wajib lah flawless kan. Kalau tak sape nak ambik jadi duta product, tak laku kang! ;P takdelah.. time tu tengah baca Cleo, pastu tengok feedback macam best kat Internet and give it a try. Sangat best, pakai sikit je dah mampu cover whole face, pastu macam glitter-glitter sikit and it is last-longer wearing. Tapi, wanie pakai kalau ada event apa-apa je.. sebab tu dah nak dekat setahun lebih tak habis-habis lagi... hehehehe

Revlon Loose Powder

5.  Wajib la pakai after apply foundation kan - untuk absorb any excess oil and final touch la giteww.. 

Oslee UV Block Powder

6.  This is for daily use. After apply moisturizer, wanie apply this powder sebab boleh absorb excess oil kat muka for quite some time. UV effect?? I dont think so... this is Malaysia laaa... so hotttt... SPF20 still not enough. But, never mind.... I'm using it to absorb my oily face je kan :-) always in my bag and boleh reapply banyak kali sebab sangat halus texture nya and smells so soft. Price tak ingat, below RM 50 boleh dapat dah..

Silkygirl Magic BB Powder

7.  Dah lama wanie pakai compact powder ni. Actually, my mom lah yang introduce kan. Ok la... not bad. Price pun below RM 20. Affordable!

Blusher Elianto

8.  For me, its 2 in 1. Nama pun blusher, mesti la guna kat cheek kan. Tapi, who knows, I'm wearing the same thing and applied it kat mata as eyeshadow. Hahahahahha~ oh, by the way, this blusher was given by my sister sebab dia ada MAC. Jelly haku!

Skin Food Eyeliner - Eggplant

9.  Oiii.. nama je eggplant. Tapi bukan eggplant pun. Hahahaha.. yang ni dahle mahal, RM 33 kot.. terbeli secara tak sengaja. Dah mahal, quality pun elok la... tapi, fikir balik, rugi je... dahla mahal, sikit pulak tu. Tak puas pakai lagi, dah kontot... eh, eyeliner Face Shop.. ala yang duta nye Kim Hyun Joong tu, boleh tahan jugak. Dalam berapa ringgit je... quality pun not bad. Ok ok... after this ye... after this....

Lipbalm Deep Moist Mentholatun and Lipstick from Revlon

10.  Wajib dah ni. Duduk rumah ke, keluar ke, lipbalm memang wajib ada. Lipstick tu, tak lah wajib. Kalau terasa nak pakai je, baru pakai.. ala, bak kata Teddy, tak kisah beli mahal-mahal sebab jarang pakai. So, lambat habis dan tak bazir duit nak kena beli kerap-kerap.

06 November 2012

Review - Scalp Treatment @ REDKEN Maju Junction

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After ke campus jumpa my advisor for FYP tengahari tadi, terus ke Maju Junction sebab nak ke saloon Redken! Weehuuu!! Lamaaaaaaaa sangat-sangat ni tak ke saloon.. Shiannnn rambut wanie yang banyak gugur ni.... sob, sob...

Plan awal, nak buat treatment. Tapi tak pasti nak buat treatment apa dan budget just RM 120 ke bawah je! Pastu, ada Chinese lady yang approach wani cakap kalau student and bawa ID card, boleh dapat 20% less! Yeyeahhhh!! 

Then, mula la sesi soal-soal ni. Wanie pun cakaplah, wanie ni teruk sangat hairfall and wanie minta stylist situ yang recommend which one yang elok. Then, after discuss, wanie choose nak buat scalp treatment. Scalp treatment ni bagus, antaranya nak lancarkan blood circulation balik sebab ada massage sket, lepas tu nak buang dead cell and erm.. tak ingat dah apa yang hair stylist tadi bagitau sebab wanie rasa nak terlena je time dia buat treatment. Hahahahah~

Tak pasti pula Redken pakai product apa. Tapi, once cream/mask (not sure, tapi dalam bentuk tube) tu diapply pada scalp, perghhh... macam dorang letak ais je. Rasa sejuk je, berangin.. mint kot... sedap ohh sebab selalunya kalau bukak tudung, mesti kulit kepala rasa gatal-gatal. Time tu rasa macam nak cakap, "eh.. boleh bagi lagi sejuk tak? sedaplah!" Hahahaha.. lepas diapply tu, ape benda tah berpusing pusing kat kepala. Benda tu ada haba rasanya kot... tapi tak panas pun. Adalah dalam setengah jam ke 45 minit macam tu, then pergi cuci.

Lepas cuci tu, diapply lagi cream/mask tu kat kepala. Haaaa... yang ni baru sejuk betul. Sebab time cuci tadi kan dah kena air sejuk. Hambik kau.. nak sangat ye? Hahaha.. tapi, best! Siyes best feeling tu.. rasa macam "kepalaku di alaska" je.. muahahah.. after apply tu, hair stylist stimkan kepala. Pun sama, tak panas sangat. Tak macam certain saloon wanie pegi, rasa macam nak terbakar je kepala ni. Tu tak kira rimas dengan wap stim yang pergi ke muka lagi... Redken tak! Berbaloi duit buat kat sini... lagi berbaloi sebab wanie student, dapat diskaun 20% hokeh! Hihihihi~ Time ni, memang wanie dah pejam mata sebab hair stylist massage-massage sket scalp. Pantang wanie ni yang ni lah, jangan main rambut/kepala wanie, mata neh automatik tutup!

Sama juga time dia wanie rasa, 30-45 minit kot. Elok je habis stim, terus stimmer tu kasi stim wap sejukkk je... time neh, wanie dah nak tersengguk ke belakang dah, mengantuk oi! Tapi tahan je lah, kang tersungkur kat situ, tak masal je. Hehehe~

Then, once again, pegi cuci kepala bersih-bersih and letak conditioner sket. Pastu, time rambut kena blow/dry pun sama gak, keja nak tertido. Ha! After rambut kering, hair stylist tu guna apetah, macam bagi electric sket kut kat kulit kepala. Rasanya lah, sebab mesin macam tu ada je kat spa kakak wanie and function nye untuk reduce bengkak dia muka after picit-picit blackhead/whitehead/pimples tu. Yang neh, hair stylist tu kemain lagi gelak kat wanie, sebab wanie rasa geli kat belakang badan. Dia cakap "hebat betul ye... treatment kat kepala, badan pula yang geli.." Heeheheh, sabor jelah.. lagipun, ape yang hair stylist tu cakap, good for scalp lah.. remove dead cell pe sume tu.. i see.......

Lepas tu, wanie request nak trim rambut. Yelah, dah lama tak ke saloon. Jaga rambut pun tak kan. Takut juga kalau ada split-ends (rambut bercabang) neh. Perghhh.. banyak jugak la  wanie tengok rambut wanie yang hair stylist tu trim. Tapi semua yang ditrim tu, semua yang ada split ends dan macam dah tak elok and tak sama panjang, nampak ugly ok! Bila dah trim, tadaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Rasa diri ini comel gitewww.

Now, payment time!

Actual price for scalp treatment at Redken Maju Junction = RM 145
After discount 20% = RM 118

OK, me happy and satisfied. And confirm, kalau nak buat treatment apa-apa lagi ke, akan ke sini lagi. =^^=

p/s : Kalau nak elok, after scap treatment patut buat hair treatment sebab katanya, rambut akan kering sikit. So, after wanie buat keje sket kat MCD Ampang, terus ke Tesco sebab nak beli neh...

Ginvera SPA Total Benefits - Nourishing Hair Aqua.

Dari yang wanie baca, product ni boleh moisturize rambut espicially in dry climates, maksudnya time keadaan sekeliling kering lah. And bagus juga, sebab wanie pun selalu after mandi nak kena guna hair dryer nak keringkan rambut, so after blow rambut tu, boleh la spray benda alah ni. 

Paling best sebab spray.. hahaha, tak payah nak susah-susah tenyeh kat tangan dulu ke. Sembur je... ha, siap! Keberkesanan tak pasti la, sebab tak penah guna lagi. Harga? Murah! RM 10.90 je! *pegi beli cepat*

Harini? Membazir?

I should say, its just a gift for myself after hard working days. :-)

04 November 2012

A Feeling From My FYP's Presentation

Edit Posted by Miss Wanie with No comments

Yes! I'm expressing my frustration at my Facebook's wall...

Seriously, I'm so disappointed with one of my evaluator during my FYP's presentation. 

I'm not saying that my project is one of the BOOMs project, it still has its own limitation and if not, there will be no words of "Future Enhancement" right?

I'm speechless.


I can't believe what I hears from her. She asks me something about how to change someone's human behaviour. She may not asking me directly, but I'm not that lurus bendul for not understanding what behind from her words. 

I'm speechless.


I can't believe someone who I always thought having a high educational level would ask me questions that  makes no sense to be answered! 

She bashes me (I guess from A-Z) like this project is too rubbish! If so, my own course of evaluator would reject my project from the beginning! And I'm pretty sure, they know much better because this is a SECURITY project, and she should looks at my objectives, scopes and the SECURITY ISSUES! 

Should I tell this : In IT Audit (Security Audit), we as a security person accommodate people on how to take care of their profile, giving awareness to them such as don't write the password on a piece of paper and so on. Our responsible ends until here. Whether they wants to follow it or not, thats not our job!

I'm not that bodoh sombong for not accepting any words from the evaluator gave me. I can accept if she commenting my system, telling me how to upgrade my system and so on. But, to change someone's behavior, its not in my scopes, objectives nor responsibility.

I'm just an application developer who works with the programming and coding and viewing my work from security sides. How on earth did you expecting me to do something that relates with human's nature?? Not to mention, to change it??


What makes me even more depressed at that time is, before the evaluator ends it evaluation, she says "bukan saya tak bagi buat projek ni.... tapi....... hurm...... tengoklah apa second evaluator nak kata..."

I feel so hopeless. I kept thinking, is it true that this project is too pointless, like what she just said? Then, my supervisor come to me and asking "kenapa banyak sangat kena komen ni?"

How can I explain?? Even my supervisor says that "unfair lah dia cakap project awak simple, sebab dia tahu kut.." Yes madam, I learned all the programming by myself with the help only from Google! I'm not core into software development like Software Engineering course, I am a Computer System Security student! I should concern on my security issues rather than the application itself (both is important, once again I urge here, I am a Computer System Security's student!)

And after that, its time for my second evaluator to evaluate my project.

Syukur, my second evaluator even much considerate with me. Though she's not truly understanding my project at the beginning, I'm successfully explained it to her until she capable to understand what my project is about. 

Even she says that, she interested in my project and feels like to buy it and says that my project has its own commercialization's value.


I should end this post until here.

If my project is too rubbish or pointless, why there is still a person, errr.... NO, actually my second evaluator is the THIRD PERSON who says that "feels like to buying it" other than my own sister and an owner of a shop (I'm not really remember whether its a boutique or restaurant - the owner is one of my sister's friend and interested after my sister telling her about my project).