29 December 2012

My Days During Sem's Break

Edit Posted by Miss Wanie with 2 comments
Pejam celik pejam celik, sekejap je dah nak habis cuti. Cuti semester kali ni, memang betul-betul cuti after having stressful life, no, I mean most stressful semester I've ever had. Next sem (final semester yeah!) wallahualam. Semoga wanie lebih tabah and tak cepat give up (though the fact is, I'm almost losing half of my spirit).

But Alhamdulillah, keputusan yang wanie dapat bebaru ni boleh buat wanie senyum lebar. Tercapai juga hasrat nak dapat dean's pointer. Alhamdulillah, syukur Ya Allah, terima kasih Ya Allah.... :-) Lebih excited, bila Teddy pun dapat dean's pointer. 

Apa activity cuti ni? 

Nothing much to do. I'm just spending my days with my beloved baby. 

*practicing Kimi To Boku, Todokanu Omoi*

Dan sekarang, baru je sudah try-try play by ear lagu Nera - Hatiku Milikmu.

Paling paling excited, mama ada cakap "main sampai boleh main banyak lagu dulu, baru mama nak beli real piano...." alahai mama, panjang lagi journey nak play lagu macam-macam mama tu. Mama request pun, lagu Sudirman lah... Broery Marantika lah... ahahaha...

At least, playing keyboard ni dapat buat wanie lupakan sikit demi sikit minat wanie pada Taekwondo... I have to stop Taekwondo due to my body's worse condition, especially my back. 

Until here. Macam takde idea je nak post. Hehehehe.. later lah nak update about my birthday gift and holiday with family. Till next time peeps! ^_^