09 June 2016

Review Praventac and AG Factor

Edit Posted by Miss Wanie with 5 comments

Setiap kali bukak blog mesti rasa bersalah dengan diri sendiri sebab tak konsisten. Hahahah~ nak kata sibuk ya amat tu, sikitlah... boleh terima tak alasan tu selain mim alif lam sin?

Ala... nak ngadu sikit.. lately muka wanie teruk sangat sangat sangat. Muka berminyak yang homaigadddd... oil blotting yang warna biru clean and clear tu memang wajib dalam handbag tau. Sekali lap muka, wajib pakai 2 keping minimum... bila muka berminyak teruk sangat jangan ditanya lah mengundang ape kat muka kan... bukan setakat jerawat, open pores besar nau nau, blackhead, whitehead, jerawat batu pun ada tau... (nangissssssssss) Walaupun dah try guna organic products untuk muka ni, still tak membantu. Kalau product kecantikan kita guna yang dah elok, tapi still tak work, itu confirmlah masalah dalaman kan?

Hari tu tengah scroll scroll kat Facebook, jumpa 1 page ni. Jodoh kot.. hahahah, tetiba terasa tertarik nak bukak website dia. Korang pernah dengar tak Praventac? Ha... click lah link tu kalau korang pun tak tau macam wanie.. Hikhik... Kalau korang nak tau, wanie memang jenis yang susahhhhhh sangat nak makan atau ambik supplements ni. Penyakit biasa, M-A-L-A-S ... Hahaha! Tapi, sebab muka dah makin teruk, wanie rasa takpe lah. Give it a shot! Errr... mahal jugak bagi wanie supplement ni. Wanie ambik yang combo, Praventac + AG Factor = RM 424 (RM 24 tu GST ye... pffttt) Wanie walk in je ke office diorang dekat The Gardens sebelah Midvalley tu.

Ok,.. time beli tu, the lady told me NOT TO USE ANY CREAM-BASED MOISTURIZER. Bagi wanie, not a big deal sebab wanie gunakan Adania Luxurious Organic Oil . So, setiap malam sebelum tidur wanie akan ambil 2 biji Praventac dan 2 biji AG Factor. Menurut dari website Praventac tu sendiri, Praventac ni berfungsi :

While AG Factor claimed that it:

1. Assists in fighting the bad bacteria 
2. Reducing the secretion of oil 
3. Reducing the redness from inflammation 
4. Helping to repair the damaged cells caused by blemishes

Taken from : http://www.praventac.com/home/learn.php#hormonal-acne
AG Factor ni bagi wanie lebih kepada "booster" kepada Praventac, untuk double the action rasanya... hehehehe..

So harini dah genap 18 hari wanie consume Praventac + AG Factor. Apa yang wanie boleh conclude kan adalah :

Hari 1-3 : Tiada perubahan
Hari 4-7 : Oily face slightly reduce. Jerawat batu yang dah berbulan tak naik mata, dah start masak dan keluar air bisa
Hari 8 sampai sekarang : Berperang jugak ni. Jerawat-jerawat pasir + jerawat nasik mula naik. The lady told me not to be afraid sebab this is normal sebab nak keluarkan yang mana terpendam / malu-malu nak keluar sebelum ni. Yang best, jerawat batu i olz dah tinggal seketul je ni kat pipi... geng-geng dia semua dah cabut lari.. hahahah

All in all, wanie plan nak teruskan dengan Praventac + AG Factor ni for another 2 month. Seronok gaisss... kalau awal dulu, wajib kena wipe muka dengan oil blotter tu, sekarang ni kalau tak cuci muka 2 hari pun takde hal lah. The face still moisturize tapi tak oily!

Berapa rate nak bagi ni?

Wanie nak bagi rate macam ni untuk sepanjang 18 hari wanie guna ye :

1.  Menghilangkan minyak muka : 5/5
2.  Menghilangkan jerawat nasi : 3/5 (jerawat kering)
3.  Menghilangkan jerawat batu : 4/5 (suka sangattttttt)
4.  Menghilangkan parut : 0/5 (yes.. takde perubahan ape lagi. Takpe... biar dia keluar settle dulu segala alien kat muka ni, then kita tengok macam mana pulak ye...)

BONUS! Ye ade bonus koranggggg yang wanie sendiri pun tak expect!


Awesome kan! Wanie rasa make sense - sebab ape? Dulu wanie selalu pegi saloon, siap buat scalp scanning. Boleh nampak setiap rongga rambut tu clog dengan minyak, the hairdresser tu bagitau wanie sebab clog dengan minyak, rambut macam tak boleh nak bernafas which lead to the akar jadi tak kuat dan rambut pun gugur. Nak harap shampoo je pun, tak boleh.. memang kena treat dari dalam.

p/s : Bertabahlah la sikit tiap-tiap bulan kan.. 400 hengget kauuuuuuuu.. hopefully adalah perubahan sebelum sampai e-day kite raya haji ni, Insyaallah... hikhikhik

p/s 2 : Jangan minta upload gambar. Malu titewww.. insyaallah, wanie akan upload lepas habis healing crisis ni so korang boleh spot the difference senang sikit


  1. Hi ! Everyone i want to share my Experience Using Praventac and Ag-factor,. I always has acne since middle school and it's always come and go, I try so many skin care product but only praventac and Ag-factor satisfied me and give best result, I've been taking Praventac and Ag-factor for over 4 months now, and I'm extremely happy with the result. My acne problem has reduce, No more red hideous pimples on my face now, my skin become more whiter and smoother and I,m feeling confidence everyday.

  2. I didn't have as problematic skin before, however recent months or close to a year I have been having breakouts due to stress and hormonal change. All those scar marks were big and dark, and still had some acne and wounds then. It really made me worried, it looked unpleasant like never before and I have to pile up on the makeup and concealer, also worried would the scars ever go away. Then I came across this product – Praventac, what intrigued me was it says it will be effective even for old scar, so I wanted to give it a try. On purchasing, the advice was it would work better pairing with Ag-Factor, since I have also come across and heard about Ag-Factor and I have wanted to try it before as well, so why not – I gave both products a go at the same time. After nearly a month of taking these, I now can see that the acne scars look smaller and lighter, got improvement, and I think even the injury scar on my knee I can see improvement, that was a bonus surprise. I would say all the scars are not totally gone yet of course but because people often say you have to give any treatment a 2- to 3-month time to see the ultimate result right? I would want to purchase my second bottle of Praventac and Ag-Factor soon!

  3. Hi Wanie, boleh sy tau apa review selepas 18 hari menggunakan prevantac? berkesan ke?

  4. Replies
    1. boleh order online di website diorang atau walk in ke office diorang je
